We offer innovative kidney stones treatment to help patients find quick relief.
The most common symptom of kidney stones is pain. You might have a dull ache in your back or side and, over time, the pain may increase and move towards your lower side. Bloody or cloudy urine, nausea, fever and stomach aches are other indications that you’ve developed kidney stones, a condition that, according to the National Kidney Foundation, affects 19% of men and 9% women during their lives.
Those who develop kidney stones just want them gone and for the discomfort to subside. That’s why Proliance Puyallup Surgeons schedules kidney prompt appointments, where imaging can be obtained quickly. If diagnosed with kidney stones, effective treatment procedures, like Shock Wave Lithotripsy, can often be performed the following day, to get you back to normal fast. If you are suffering from kidney stones, you can be diagnosed and treated quickly, all without having to leave Puyallup.
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How are Kidney Stones Treated?
Treatment for kidney stones varies based on each unique situation. Proliance Puyallup Surgeons uses advanced technology to diagnose the condition and for many patients, offers Shock Wave Lithotripsy (SWL), the most common form of kidney stone treatment in the United States. In this non-invasive procedure, high energy shock waves are used to break your stones into small fragments and dust small enough to pass. The treatment can be completed in less than an hour.
In most cases, you can expect your recovery period to be brief and you will be able to resume your normal activities within a couple days. 50-75% of SWL patients are free of kidney stones within three months of treatment. If fragments are left after the initial treatment that are still too large to pass, you can be treated again.
Proliance Puyallup Surgeons makes it easy for local residents to schedule post-treatment follow ups and to receive additional care, without the burden of having to drive into Seattle or Tacoma.
What are Kidney Stones?
A kidney stone is a hard, crystalline mineral deposit that forms when you have too many solids and too little liquid in your urinary tract. They can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a pearl.
Kidney Stones are usually classified into four types:
- Calcium stones, the most common, are made of calcium and either oxalate or phosphate (natural chemicals found in foods)
- Uric acid stones can be caused by increased acidity in the urine or may be associated with gout
- Struvite stones, composed of Ammonium, phosphate and magnesium, often stem from bladder infections
- Cystine stones, while rare, may be a sign of a metabolic disorder
Kidney Stone Risk Factors and Prevention
Risk factors for kidney stones include improper hydration, obesity, high salt or sugar diets, urinary tract infections and family history.
To lower your risk of kidney stones, drink plenty of water every day. A good rule of thumb is 64 ounces of water daily but more when it’s hot or you are particularly active.
You can also lower your kidney stone risk by eating more fruit and vegetables. Animal protein produces urine higher in acid than a diet rich in fruits and leafy greens.It will also help avoid kidney stones if you lower your consumption of salt and try to maintain a normal weight.
After your treatment for kidney stones, Proliance Puyallup Surgeons will consult with you to develop a plan for managing your post treatment care and avoiding the recurrence of stones.
If you or a loved one is suffering from kidney stones, give Proliance Puyallup Surgeons a call today to let us help you get on a rapid path to recovery.