Having an open conversation with your doctor about thyroid health is an important first step in finding relief.

What is the Thyroid Function?

The thyroid is a small gland in the front of your neck, 2 inches long, and controls your metabolism. The thyroid function is to make the hormones that help control your body's functions, which makes it part of your endocrine system; the system that comprises the glands in your body to make hormones. Thyroid hormone production is incredibly important to your health and the two hormones made help you control your body temperature, cholesterol levels, menstrual cycles, as well as your metabolism. 


thin wave

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

These symptoms will vary depending on the severity of the thyroid hormone production and can develop slowly, over several years. Due to the symptoms of hypothyroidism often going unnoticed for an extended period of time, thyroid function tests are used to diagnose it. There are treatments for the disorder, such as synthetic thyroid hormones. 


While there are several types of thyroid disorders, the most common is when the thyroid becomes underactive. This disorder is referred to as hypothyroidism and the symptoms include:

  • • Fatigue
    • Chills
    • Depression
    • Weight gain
    • Puffy face
    • Muscle weakness


  • • Thinning hair
    • Heavier or irregular menstrual periods
    • Slowed heart rate

  • • Constipation





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Types of Thyroid Disorders

Hypothyroidism can be treated with thyroid hormone replacement supplements, but other disorders may require surgery, most likely a full or partial thyroidectomy. Other problems of the thyroid that may require surgery include:

  • Thyroid cancer
    • Thyroid cancer is most prevalent in young women but has excellent odds of recovery.

  • Hyperthyroidism (excessive production of thyroid hormones)

    • Symptoms are the exact opposite of hypothyroidism and include anxiety, overheating, weight loss, and trouble sleeping.

  • Goiter

    • Non-cancerous enlargement of the thyroid that can cause trouble swallowing and breathing.


    • Small lumps occurring in an otherwise healthy thyroid.





Whatever procedure your condition requires, you will likely be able to eat and drink as usual almost immediately and probably be cleared to go home on the same day. Your doctor will provide recovery and thyroid patient information to you in order to avoid problems and stay healthy.

Proliance Puyallup Surgeons' endocrine specialists are committed to providing every patient with pre- and post-op support that is thoughtful and transparent. Our specialists help you get back to life, faster.